Behind the


Finished portraits, sneak peeks, and behind-the-lens insights from some of my favorite sessions.


“Maybe People Are Nostalgic About High School Cause It’s, Like, The Last Time In Their Life That They Get To Dream.” Cassie Howard, Euphoria   Raise your hand if you’ve watched either season of Euphoria. I am just starting season 2 and WHOA. As a mom, I fast forward half of the show. Slightly above […]

Well hello, February! How did you get here so soon? The month has arrived where so many of us start thinking about Valentine’s Day. The pressure is on to have an IG worthy outfit and date planned! The comparison game goes hard this month and I know how it can make anyone feel less than. […]

Dear Mary , Your dad and I are so very proud of all that you’ve accomplished so far, and the amazing young woman you are becoming! We can’t wait to see what inspires you next as you branch out into the big, wide world beyond our home. You have a heart as big as the […]

Dear Mackenzie , I am proud of you for who you have become. You have grown up to become an independent thinker with an invincible determination to accomplish almost anything you set your mind to. In all of your 18 years, I have seen you get out of your comfort zone many times and face […]

Dear Tori , Wow! This is it. You are in the home stretch. It sure hasn’t been the kind of senior year we had hoped for you. But you’ve done an amazing job of making it a good year for yourself. We are very proud of you. And very excited to see what’s next. You […]